Welcome to my personal blog. This is a place I wanted to create for mothers to feel safe to explore and share the realness in motherhood. We all love our children, and we are doing the best we can to raise healthy productive citizens. I am the mother of two wonderful boys. Both who are still very young. My mission is to create a place I can share my perspective as a wife and new mother in a very interactive way. As iron sharpens iron, I believe mothers need a place to share experiences and uplift each other.

On my personal blog you will get a dose of The Daily Sue, which is just a short daily inspirational vitamin to give you some inspiration everyday. I will also blog about my experiences as I go through my journey of marriage and motherhood. This blog is about my world so you can expect to see me share all aspects of my life.

Relax and enjoy as I welcome you into my world. Don’t forget to comment to let me know you are here. I want to hear from you!
